Since we had to cancel our April meeting due to the COVID-19 quarantine and our bylaws state that we elect our officers in April, the President, Board and the Nominating Chair have decided that we will vote on the slate electronically. Provided there are no objections to the slate, it will be approved by a plurality vote. Active members only are to eligible to vote.
The proposed slate of officers is as follows:
The Foundation:
President: Tricia Pummill
Secretary:Amy Day
Treasurer: Mary Bradstreet
Director: Candace Gibson
Director: Patricia Benesh
Director: Tina Verburgt
The MBWC Board:
President: Tisha Onick
1st VP (Committee Chair): Carrie McVay
2nd VP (Membership): Cinda Brockman
3rd VP (House Chair): Jill Lester
4th VP (Rentals): Nancie Geller
Secretary: Lynne March
Treasurer: Stephanie McMahon
Director of Philanthropy: Carly Keene
Director of Programs: Phylicia Cicalo-Aiken
Director of Communications: Cathy Scott
Ex-officio - Past President: Cordelia Mendoza
Since we had to cancel our April meeting due to the COVID-19 quarantine and our bylaws state that we elect our officers in April, the President, Board and the Nominating Chair have decided that we will vote on the slate electronically. Provided there are no objections to the slate, it will be approved by a plurality vote. Active members only are to eligible to vote.
The proposed slate of officers is as follows:
The Foundation:
President: Tricia Pummill
Secretary:Amy Day
Treasurer: Mary Bradstreet
Director: Candace Gibson
Director: Patricia Benesh
Director: Tina Verburgt
The MBWC Board:
President: Tisha Onick
1st VP (Committee Chair): Carrie McVay
2nd VP (Membership): Cinda Brockman
3rd VP (House Chair): Jill Lester
4th VP (Rentals): Nancie Geller
Secretary: Lynne March
Treasurer: Stephanie McMahon
Director of Philanthropy: Carly Keene
Director of Programs: Phylicia Cicalo-Aiken
Director of Communications: Cathy Scott
Ex-officio - Past President: Cordelia Mendoza